Congratulations to our Division 32 Hibernian of the Year, Paul Towhey and Tim Trant Service Award Recipient, Brendan Nelson. The Division recognizes your special contributions to the Order. Well deserved.
2020 & 2021 Hibernian of the Year / Tim Trant Service Awardees
AOH Division #32 Communion Breakfast at the Grand Hall at The Priory. Our first Communion Breakfast since 2019. Pictured from the left are Sean McBride 2020 Service Award winner, President Tim Regan the 2021 Hibernian of the Year and John Truel the 2020 Hibernian of the year. Paul Towhey (not pictured), was also a 2020 Service Award recipient. Congratulations Brothers. Well deserved.
AOH Sean MacBride Division #32 Scholarship Applications Available
Division #32 has announced that applications are now being accepted for the AOH Sean MacBride Division #32 Scholarship Award for 2021.
Specifics can be found in the application but Scholarship nominees must be sons, daughters or grandchildren of an active or deceased AOH member or an active AOH member already accepted for education post High School. You may contact Division Vice President, Eric Haenni, for an application. The application can also be found on the Division website at
Applications may be submitted via email or mail delivery and will be accepted until 5:00 PM on Saturday, March 27, 2021 by the chairman of the scholarship committee, Vice President Eric Haenni, at the following address:
1715 Oregon Avenue
Steubenville, Ohio 43952
Phone: 740-457-3356
Email: (Please put AOH Scholarship Award in the Subject line)
The health and safety of our brotherhood, friends, family and patrons is our highest priority. For that reason, we are canceling the fish fry events schedules for March 20 and March 27.
We are closely monitoring and following all guidelines set by the CDC, as well as other state and local public health officials, and will evaluate the remaining dates as time goes on.
Again, your health and safety are guiding everything we do. Please stay safe. We pray for all those affected by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. We appreciate your loyalty and look forward to seeing you soon.
Tim Regan
President, AOH Division 32
Scholarship Applications Now Being Accepted
Applications are now being accepted for two AOH Allegheny County Board Thomas P. O'Malley Memorial Scholarships and the AOH Division 32 Scholarship.
AOH Allegheny County Board Grand Prize Scholarship - $1,500
AOH Allegheny County Board Runner Up Scholarship - $500
AOH Division 32 Scholarship - $1,000
To qualify for one of the two county scholarships, nominees must be the son, daughter or grandchild of an active or deceased AOH member in good standing who has been an AOH member for at least 3 years. Active AOH members in good standing who have been a member for at least 3 years and who have already been accepted for education post-high school may also apply. A nominee may also be a member of a Junior AOH Division in Allegheny County, and shall qualify as an active member of the AOH if they are sworn into the AOH by the end of their senior year in high school.
Questions can be directed to Denny Maher at
To qualify for the Division 32 scholarship, nominees must be the son, daughter or grandchild of an active or deceased AOH member in good standing who has been a member of Division 32 for at least 3 years. Active AOH Division 32 members in good standing who have been a member for 3 or more years may also apply. A nominee may also be a member of a Junior AOH Division in Allegheny County, and shall qualify as an active member of the AOH if they are sworn into the AOH by the end of their senior year in high school.
Questions can be directed to Eric Haenni at
2019 Hibernian of the Year
Our heartfelt congratulations go out to Bill Delaney on being awarded 2019 Hibernian of the Year. His service, dedication, and positive attitude are a tribute to his character and the values the AOH embodies.
Emcee Denny Maher, Bill Delaney, and 2018 Hibernian of the Year, Denny Donnelly
Bill Delaney and family
2019 Tim Trant Service Award Recipient
Congratulations to our 2019 Tim Trant Service Award Recipient, Shawn Seagriff. Your hard work and commitment to helping our division and the community are greatly appreciated.
Shawn Seagriff
2019 Special Appreciation Award
We’re proud to bestow a Special Appreciation Award to Division 32 member Jim Riley and his wife Cheryl of Riley’s Pour House. Their support of our division, the city of Carnegie, and the Irish community has been invaluable. We congratulate them as they move on to the next chapter in their lives and extend our deepest appreciation for all they’ve done. Best of luck, Jim and Cheryl!
Emcee Denny Maher, Cheryl and Jim Riley
2019 Scholarship Winner
Congratulations to Aileen Delaney, winner of the 2019 AOH Division 32 Scholarship. Aileen is the daughter of Division 32 member Tim Delaney and his wife, Suzy. Aileen will be attending Franciscan University in the fall. We wish her all the luck in the future.
Aileen Delaney and Division 32 Vice President, Eric Haenni